Website Open Information Announcement

  1. Authorization Method and Scope:

         In order to facilitate the widespread use of website data by various sectors, TDIS grants the right to use all data and materials published on the website, which are protected by copyright, in a non-exclusive and royalty-free manner. Users are allowed to reproduce, modify, edit, publicly transmit, or utilize them in other ways, without limitations of time or geographical location, to develop various products or services. This authorization cannot be revoked retroactively and users do not need to obtain written or other forms of authorization from our institution; however, proper attribution should be given when using the materials.
  1. Relevant Matters:

         This authorization scope only applies to the extent of copyright protection and does not extend to other intellectual property rights, including but not limited to patents, trademarks, and agency logos. Whether personal information voluntarily or legally disclosed by individuals can be collected, processed, and used, users must plan and implement corresponding measures in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Personal Data Protection Act. The use of certain audiovisual, graphic, specially commissioned articles, or other works requires prior approval from TDIS.
  1. It should be noted that the moral rights of third-party authors should not be violated (including the right to be identified by name and the right to prohibit inappropriate alterations).

  2. Users must not maliciously alter the relevant information of the data and materials provided under this authorization. If the displayed information after use does not match the original data and materials, users will be responsible for civil and criminal liability under the law.

  3. The authorization of this website does not imply that the user represents, endorses, or approves the derivative works on behalf of the center.